Coverage from Infosecurity Netherlands

Oct 30, 2013
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Recently, you might have heard that the Palo Alto Networks Gang of Geeks hit the road to visit customers around the world to discuss security strategies and review the conclusions from our research teams. For me, the past few weeks have been a kaleidoscope of boarding passes, subway tickets, time zone changes, power converters and strong coffee (a single espresso if I have a moment, straight black in a paper cup when I don’t). I've stolen a few minutes from my itinerary to tell you about what I’m doing today.

This week, I’m at the Jaarbeurs convention center in Utrecht attending the Infosecurity Netherlands conference together with colleagues, channel and technology partners.


Utrecht is a city about an hour outside of Amsterdam, home to over 300,000 residents, and its canal-lined bike-filled streets showcase its proud ties to its historical past, while construction around the Central train station provide hints towards its future. It’s here where security professionals from across the country converge to discuss strategies for protecting their networks, applications and data from harm.


Nothing is more gratifying than spending time with customers to hear what’s on their minds, and to share the latest data from our application and threat research. Here at the event, we are conducting workshops on several topics. These topics include findings from the latest Application Usage and Threat Report, strategies for securing the virtualized data center, and developing plans for dealing with advanced persistent threats.




In the months ahead, I hope that you’ll have the opportunity to meet one of the Gang of Geeks at a city near you. If you’re interested in more coverage of news and our activities around the world, be sure to like our Facebook page.

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