Watch Our Cybersecurity Canon Session From RSA

May 02, 2014
1 minutes
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If you're a regular follower of the Palo Alto Networks blog, you've seen our CSO, Rick Howard, talk up the Cybersecurity Canon and several books he's deemed Canon worthy for how they have shaped, edified and advanced discussion of modern cybersecurity issues. And last month at Ignite 2014, we celebrated Parmy Olson, author of We Are Anonymous, as our first Cybersecurity Canon honoree.

Back at RSA 2014, Rick introduced the Canon concept during a breakout session. We're pleased to share video from that presentation, part of the newly released archived materials from this year's RSA Conference. Watch here:

For more on the Cybersecurity Canon, read Rick's previous entries and check out an interview between Rick and security reporter Tom Field, also from RSA.

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