Cyber Threat Alliance Reflects on the Current State of Cybersecurity at the Churchill Club

Oct 30, 2015
1 minutes
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Thursday was a big day for the Cyber Threat Alliance. The cybersecurity industry’s first organization devoted to the sharing of threat intelligence between members published a research whitepaper and the leaders of its member companies sat down together at the Churchill Club to talk about the current state of cybersecurity and what lies ahead. Watch below:

Moderated by Wall St. Journal cybersecurity reporter Danny Yadron, the panel included:

  • Michael Brown,president and CEO, Symantec
  • Mark McLaughlin,chairman, president and CEO, Palo Alto Networks
  • Ken Xie,chairman and CEO, Fortinet
  • Chris Young,general manager, Intel Security Group

The discussion was spirited, informative and wide ranging, touching on the good and bad in the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), the importance of strong cyber hygiene, securing the cloud and the shortage of cybersecurity talent (to name just a few of the topics covered).

Watch a recording of the panel discussion and let us know your thoughts on the current state of cybersecurity in the comments section below.

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