Palo Alto Networks Once Again A Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader

Apr 18, 2014
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Gartner, Inc. has released its latest Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Network Firewalls and for the third time, we are positioned in the “Leaders” quadrant. Here are some noteworthy enterprise firewall market data points from Gartner that I want to highlight:

  1. Gartner summarizes the need for product deployment options, which now include virtualized versions. “Products must be able to support single-enterprise firewall deployments and large and/or complex deployments, including branch offices, multitiered demilitarized zones (DMZs) and, increasingly, the option to include virtual versions.”
  2. With respect to single source vendor and platform form factor appliance or virtualized preference, Gartner provides two observations:
    • “Through 2018, more than 75% of enterprises will continue to seek network security from a different vendor than their network infrastructure vendor.”
    • “Fewer than 5% of enterprises will deploy all-virtual firewalls in data centers through 2016.”
  3. The report also noted an increase in new purchase installs over last year - from 60% to 70%. Specifically, Gartner states that, “Less than 20% of Internet connections today are secured using NGFWs. By year-end 2014, this will rise to 35% of the installed base, with 70% of new purchases being NGFWs.”

We feel our placement in the Leaders quadrant validates our commitment to continually provide the most innovative solutions to our customers’ problems. Don’t take my word for it – please take a moment to read the report for yourself.

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