Building an Offensive Approach to Network Security

Jun 18, 2014
1 minutes
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Modern cyberattacks and APTs rely on stealth, persistence and the skilled avoidance of traditional security measures throughout the lifecycle of an attack. Enterprises need to employ a Zero Trust model of “never trust, always verify” when it comes to network security. In other words … play offense.

Join Scott Simkin, Senior Cyber Analyst at Palo Alto Networks and Chad Whitney, Director of Sales Engineering at FishNet Security tomorrow, June 19 at 1 p.m. CDT, for a one-hour webinar to offer insights into the following:

  • Today’s threat landscape
  • Analysis of breaking attacks - what they did, how they got in and their lifecycle
  • Why current solutions for enterprise security fail - with key considerations on how to protect your organization
  • How to combat APTs now, and in the future, with a fundamentally different approach

Register and follow along on Twitter using the hashtag #WildFireWebinar.

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