When are CEOs Going to Rebuke Cybersecurity’s Failure to Protect?

Sep 23, 2014
3 minutes
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A revolution is in the air. The cybersecurity community and leaders continue to bicker about compliance, certifications and reactive “magical analytics” that do little more than provide a false sense of security. Yet, CEOs and business leaders get to take on all the risk and accountability when they finally learn about an intrusion. Fingers point all directions as failures hit the news and “Monday morning quarterbacks” fault everyone except the cybersecurity community.

With all the finger pointing, I think one thing sometimes gets lost in the shuffle: why aren’t C-level executives demanding more from the cybersecurity technology community? Today, legacy and stagnant vendors continue to propagate an idea that 15-year-old technology provides protection. With every new breach and headline, will we finally see CEOs push back and demand a modern layered approach that renews cybersecurity’s responsibility to prevent intrusions?

Today, each time an intrusion happens, the cybersecurity community points to the compromised company or organization saying they neglected to follow some standard or measure of compliance.. But since all the risk and accountability resides on the shoulders of CEOs and executives, they should get more involved in the decisions their organization is making concerning protection and demand more from the cybersecurity industry.

We’ve talked a lot about how cybersecurity finally gets a seat at the boardroom table, but in many cases, this type of C-level feedback is only starting to happen. As an example, network operations and security operations funding lines remain disjointed in ways that help the attackers. There are any number of reasons for disjointed funding, and your team will spend precious resources and time trying to force integration of your IT operations and security portfolio. But those line-by-line budget battles often mean they spend less time protecting your organization and more time trying to connect complex pieces together. With everyone rushing to get budgets approved, what ends up happening is plans come together to purchase new firewalls or any number of “best of breed” appliances that check a box for compliance. Unfortunately, this approach is a fool’s game, and in that rush to budget, leaders continue to listen to “best of breed,” “flavors” and “trends” that only feed a self-licking ice cream cone approach to cybersecurity.

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There is a reason we are the fastest growing cybersecurity company in history and we want to build a relationship with CEOs, CFOs, business line executives, CIOs, CISOs, Network Operations Directors, Security Operations Directors, Incident Response Directors, Intelligence Directors, Managers, Administrators and Analysts. We know what is at stake and our approach will empower your people.

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