Channel Scoop: July 27, 2018

Jul 27, 2018
2 minutes
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Sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Channel Scoop.


  • Not a CYBERFORCE Member Yet? This technical rewards program recognizes the best of the best. A vital component of our channel mission is to build an ecosystem of Next-Generation Security Innovators with the coverage, capacity and capabilities to elevate our leadership position in the security market. What are you waiting for? View details.
  • Manage Your Network Security with Panorama. Because firewalls are in different form factors in various locations, network security management needs have evolved. Although configuration management is always an important task, in today's complex deployment scenarios, requirements of centralized visibility and simplified operations have become essential. Find out how Panorama addresses network security management.
  • Threat Brief: Office Documents Can Be Dangerous. Read this threat brief from Unit 42. They will show you five different ways that Office documents can be subverted and abused to attack and compromise a Windows endpoint, some we’ve already posted about before, and some are new.
  • Looking for Monthly Technical Updates? We have content you’ll find relevant in your customer engagements. Access now.

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