Automate and Orchestrate to Transform Cybersecurity

Jun 03, 2019
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NTT will be presenting at Ignite ’19 USA on Wednesday, June 5 at 1:00 PM. Join Guido Crucq, Group SVP – Cybersecurity and Greg Garten, SVP Research & Development, NTT Communications/NTT Security/Dimension Data, for our session Securing Smart Enterprises – The Cybersecurity Corporate Survival Handbook to learn more about the new corporate security challenges and solutions.

Automation and orchestration are transforming how cybersecurity teams operate on a day-to-day basis, as well as supporting business innovation.

Digitalization allows increased agility in organizations, and thanks to this, cybersecurity plays a significant role in an organization’s success. Given the potential financial and reputational impact of a breach (56% of businesses say their customers would lose confidence in them following a security breach, according to NTT Security’s Risk:Value research), organizations must prioritize cybersecurity.

While this is good news for cybersecurity practitioners, it increases the high demands already on them. An expanding digital footprint, alongside a growing list of regulatory requirements and growing volumes and sophistication of attacks, mean it is harder to keep a business secure. A company’s digital presence has become its largest attack vector.

While not new in the technology industry, orchestration and automation in security have tremendous potential to lighten the load for cybersecurity teams, helping to focus efforts on higher-value activities.

Security automation creates an effective, integrated technology ecosystem by automating a task that would otherwise require human intervention or the use of multiple security tools. Examples include automatically provisioning/de-provisioning users, investigation and evidence collection, and event correlation and the respective decision-making processes.

Security orchestration is the automation of processes and workflows across multiple cybersecurity systems; previously-fragmented sets of technologies and products are integrated, enabling better cyber intelligence sharing and improved threat detection and response.

Together, these take time-consuming tasks away from practitioners, making security and operational teams more productive, cost-effective and consistent, allowing them to reduce wasted efforts and redirect their focus towards developing a culture of SecDevOps and knowledge transfer to drive innovation.

There are four key areas for applying cybersecurity automation and orchestration:

  • Threat Monitoring – maintaining visibility across the threat landscape to detect, contextualize and prioritize key events in real-time.
  • Incident Response – following up on cyber incidents to contain, investigate and remediate a breach.
  • Security Lifecycle Management – harnessing machines to offload daily tasks such as patching, software management and reporting.
  • Operational Efficiency – using automation to drive operational efficiency: processes become repeatable and measurable so continuous improvement can be demonstrated.


Together with Palo Alto Networks, NTT offers an end-to-end technology services and takes a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Based on our global delivery capabilities for Consulting, Technical Services and Managed Services we enable clients to accelerate their digital agenda, securely!

Our Managed Security Services and Threat Detection deliver insights and a response to threats and use comprehensive threat intelligence, machine learning, behaviour analysis and event-driven threat hunting. With the Proactive response option, our security analysts perform blocking actions to disrupt or contain identified threats by leveraging the capabilities of Palo Alto Networks.

For more information on NTT services and solutions, visit us at Ignite ’19 USA in Austin, TX.



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