專為台灣量身打造:全新的 Palo Alto Networks 雲端位置與 Cortex

Sep 12, 2023
1 minutes
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Palo Alto Networks 很榮幸宣佈我們位於台灣的新雲端位置,並開始將 Cortex XDR、Xpanse、XSOAR 和 XSIAM 提供給境內客戶。這證明了 Palo Alto Networks 致力於服務台灣客戶,使他們能透過安全作業的轉型來加強其安全狀況。

新的雲端位置還將支援 Cortex Data Lake,新增至已佈建 Prisma® Access 的現有基礎結構以保護混合工作模式和 Advanced Wildfire,實現雲端威脅分析和防禦。

透過此次發佈,台灣的企業將能夠以直接、低延遲的方式存取 Palo Alto Networks 的 Cortex,並可在台灣境內儲存其日誌。SecOps 團隊和基礎結構管理員必須肩負著大量的安全技術,而這些安全技術通常難以整合及操作。 

減少延遲可確保您的業務關鍵安全基礎結構能夠快速回應、為您的安全作業團隊提供順暢的使用者體驗、將疲勞度降到最低,並大幅增強其數據密集型任務。Cortex 不僅能夠使安全團隊迅速回應,低延遲更能夠提高他們的工作效率,確保能針對新興威脅採取迅速而果斷的行動。

此外,除了雲端位置中的 Prisma Access 和 Wildfire 之外,台灣的這一款新型基礎結構還能促進多種 Palo Alto Networks 服務的採用,進而簡化廠商的整合。最近,在一項針對 1,300 名高階主管進行的調查中,Palo Alto Networks 發現全球企業平均使用 32 種安全工具。CISO 或 SOC 主管是否能夠整合所有的廠商並讓他們的步調更為一致? 


根據 2023 年 Unit 42 勒索軟體與勒索報告,在 Unit 42 事件回應團隊處理的勒索軟體攻擊和入侵事件中,至少有 75% 都指向一個共同的罪魁禍首:攻擊範圍暴露。近日,台灣的金融監督管理委員會調整了跨境外包和雲端外包範圍,目的在於簡化金融公司的雲端採用。金融業希望能夠利用雲端來提高生產力、催生新的業務模式,同時開發可自訂、更具彈性的應用程式。然而,這些新的契機也帶來了一些風險:如果想利用網路安全來推動業務發展,就必須先趕上雲端的速度。

與此同時,全球安全領導者仍持續面臨新風險領域帶來的許多生存挑戰,包括新型 SaaS 應用程式的採用、數位轉型,以及不斷變動的供應鏈和遠端工作者所造成的安全漏洞。Palo Alto Networks 推出的 Cortex 是專為現代 SOC 設計的安全平台。 

現在,透過台灣雲端位置在本地進行 XSIAM、XDR、XSOAR 和 Xpanse 的交付後,台灣的客戶將能夠擴展其威脅防禦範圍、強化偵測及回應能力,處理威脅情報,自動化攻擊範圍管理,最終朝向自動化優先、AI 支援之 SOC 的目標發展。因此,Palo Alto Networks 可將全球超過 85,000 個客戶的全球性見解和分析數據直接傳送給台灣的企業,所有的作業都能透過境內雲端基礎結構進行。

Palo Alto Networks 了解台灣的企業較偏好利用境內雲端基礎結構以更有效地控制數據儲存和監管。Palo Alto Networks 系統儲存或處理的任何日誌均採用最先進的技術予以保護,且 Palo Alto Networks 也採用廣泛的作業及組織性安全控制。轉送給指定地區數據中心的日誌和資訊將保留在該地區。您可以下載 XDR 隱私權型錄XSOAR 隱私權型錄,以及 Xpanse Expander 隱私權型錄以了解更多資訊。

透過對於本地雲端基礎結構的投資,無論數據位於何處,Palo Alto Networks 都將持續致力於實現對於全球客戶的承諾。如需更多資訊,請進一步了解 Palo Alto Networks 的區域雲端位置

Made for Taiwan: New Palo Alto Networks Cloud Location Includes Cortex

Sep 07, 2023
4 minutes
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Palo Alto Networks is proud to announce a new cloud location in Taiwan, bringing Cortex XDR, Xpanse, XSOAR, and XSIAM to customers in the country. This is a testament to Palo Alto Networks’ commitment to serving Taiwanese customers, enabling them to strengthen their security posture by transforming their security operations.

The new cloud location will also support Cortex Data Lake, adding to the existing infrastructure already provisioning Prisma® Access for securing the hybrid workforce and Advanced Wildfire for cloud-based threat analysis and prevention.

With this launch, Taiwan-based organizations will be able to benefit from direct, low-latency access to Palo Alto Networks’ Cortex, while allowing storage of their logs within Taiwan's borders. SecOps teams and infrastructure managers are burdened with an overabundance of security technologies that are often difficult to integrate and operate.

Reducing latency ensures that your business-critical security infrastructure is immediately responsive, giving your security operations team a seamless user experience, minimizing fatigue, and supercharging their data-intensive tasks. While Cortex enables security teams to respond at speed, low latency allows them to work even faster, ensuring swift and decisive actions against emerging threats.

Moreover, adding to Prisma Access and Wildfire in the cloud location, this new infrastructure in Taiwan will facilitate the adoption of multiple Palo Alto Networks services, streamlining vendor consolidation. In a recent survey of 1,300 C-level executives, Palo Alto Networks reported that global organizations use an average of 32 security tools. Will the CISO or SOC leader be able to fit all the vendors in the same room and make them march to the same tune?

Simplifying security is the right choice if you want to unlock efficiencies and free up valuable resources: by reducing the number of cybersecurity providers your company uses, you will allow your business to streamline procurement, standardize policies, unify reporting, and save on substantial costs.

According to the 2023 Unit 42 Ransomware & Extortion Report, at least 75% of ransomware attacks and breaches investigated by Unit 42’s Incident Response team result from a common culprit: attack surface exposures. Recently, Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission adjusted the scope of cross-border outsourcing and cloud outsourcing, simplifying cloud adoption for financial companies. The financial industry is looking to the cloud to increase productivity, spawn new business models, and develop custom, agile applications. Nevertheless, with these new opportunities come several risks: if cybersecurity wants to be an enabler, it will need to catch up with the speed of the cloud.

At the same time, security leaders worldwide continue to experience many existential challenges caused by new areas of risk, including the adoption of new SaaS applications, digital transformation, and security gaps resulting from ever-changing supply chains and remote workers. Cortex from Palo Alto Networks is the security platform designed for the modern SOC.

With XSIAM, XDR, XSOAR and Xpanse now delivered locally from a Taiwan cloud location, customers in Taiwan will be able to extend their threat prevention, detection and response capabilities, operationalize threat intelligence, automate attack surface management, and embark on a journey toward an automation-first, AI-powered SOC. All this will be available directly from in-country cloud infrastructure for organizations in Taiwan, with Palo Alto Networks bringing global insights and analytics from over 85,000 global customers to their doorstep.

Palo Alto Networks understands that organizations in Taiwan prefer to have access to in-country cloud infrastructure to have more control over their data storage and governance. Any logs stored on or processed by Palo Alto Networks systems are secured with cutting-edge technologies, with Palo Alto Networks operating extensive operational and organizational security controls. Logs and information forwarded to a given regional data center will be kept in that region. You can download the XDR Privacy Datasheet, XSOAR Privacy Datasheet, and Xpanse Expander Privacy Datasheet for more information.

Investing in local cloud infrastructure is part of Palo Alto Networks’ continued commitment to customers around the world, wherever their data resides. For more information, read more about Palo Alto Networks' regional cloud locations.


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