
Aug 13, 2020
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Cortex XSOAR应用市场帮助企业发现和分享由专家生态系统贡献的编排创新应用,扩展安全投资回报,并迅速实现新的自动化用例


–  新内容包将由发布合作伙伴提供,包括Code42Google ChronicleIllusive NetworksInfosysRecorded FutureRiskIQSafeBreachSixgillTufin以及Wipro

–  Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络)将赞助有史以来最大规模的SOAR黑客松(黑客编程马拉松)活动,该活动将于84日至1030日举行,并提供6万美元的奖金。

全球网络安全领导企业 Palo Alto Networks®(纽交所代码:PANW)(派拓网络)日前宣布推出Cortex™ XSOAR应用市场,其扩展的安全编排、自动化和响应平台能够通过简化和协调整个企业的安全操作来增强安全团队的能力。

Cortex XSOAR应用市场的推出增强了客户在整个企业范围发现、共享以及更大程度地利用自动化的能力。该应用市场帮助他们利用广泛的行业专家社区,选择经过Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络)严格质量和安全检查并由我们的客户评级的内容包,从而有信心解决最棘手的安全自动化挑战。

企业战略集团(ESG)资深首席分析师兼会士Jon Oltsik表示,“网络安全社区的协作对于防御高级攻击至关重要。当组织机构共享最佳实践、工具和流程时,每个人都会受益。SOAR系统已经整合了关键流程和技术并实现了自动化,现在Cortex XSOAR应用市场将进一步扩大SOAR平台社区的价值,让SOAR平台对所有人都更加高效。”

Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络)Cortex XSOAR产品管理高级副总裁Slavik Markovich表示,“Cortex XSOAR令我们的客户能够协助解决复杂的安全问题,并充分利用现有安全技术投资。现在,通过新的Cortex XSOAR应用市场,我们的客户可以利用行业专家和社区的力量来协助处理最棘手的安全用例。”

Cortex XSOAR应用市场推出了来自领先网络安全供应商的内容包,强化了目前可供客户使用的450多个现有集成功能。

Palo Alto Networks(派拓网络)正在邀请专家在全球最大的SOAR黑客松“2020年自动化的崛起”中开发新的编排方案。报名参加虚拟竞赛,为Cortex XSOAR应用市场开发创新的编排方案。比赛将从8月4日持续到10月30日,奖金为6万美元。访问https://automationrising.devpost.com/,立即开始创建。


l  参加我们在2020年8月25日举行的Cortex XSOAR领英直播虚拟活动,了解Cortex XSOAR应用市场的更多详情。

l  访问我们的博客,了解有关Cortex XSOARCortex XSOAR生态系统的更多详情。

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Palo Alto Networks 推出業界最具規模、最完善協調的資安應用平台

Aug 13, 2020
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  • 資安應用平台中合作夥伴將提供最新內容,夥伴包括Code42,Google Chronicle,Illusive Networks,Infosys,Recorded Future,RiskIQ,SafeBreach,Sixgill,Tufin和Wipro。
  • Palo Alto Networks將贊助有史以來最大的SOAR Hackathon黑客松競賽 (馬拉松式駭客競賽),即日起至10月30日舉行,並頒發美金60,000元的獎金。

全球網路安全領導品牌Palo Alto Networks (NYSE: PANW),今日推出了Cortex™ XSOAR Marketplace(資安應用平台),該平台是一個延伸了資安協調、自動化與反應機制的平台,透過簡化和協調的安全操作來增強企業的資安能力。

Cortex XSOAR 資安應用平台不但強化了客戶的發掘及共享能力,更增加了客戶在企業中使用更多自動化的能力。透過Cortex XSOAR資安應用平台,可以廣泛利用資安業界專家社群功能,並可由Palo Alto Networks進行嚴格資安品管,及獲得Palo Alto Networks客戶評價內容,以解決企業最嚴峻的自動化安全挑戰。

企業戰略集團(ESG)首席資深分析師兼研究員Jon Oltsik指出:「跨網路的資安社群協作對於防禦進階式攻擊至關重要。當企業分享其最佳範例、工具和流程時,每個人皆可受益。 SOAR系統已經先行為企業整合並自動化其關鍵流程和技術,因此Cortex XSOAR資安應用平台對大家而言都變得更有效率,因此突顯出廣泛運用SOAR平台社群的價值。」

Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR的資深產品副總裁Slavik Markovich表示:「Cortex XSOAR讓我們的客戶能夠解決複雜的資安問題,並充分利用現有的資安技術投資。現在,全新的Cortex XSOAR資安應用平台讓我們的客戶可以利用業界專家和社群的力量來解決最棘手的資安案例。」

Cortex XSOAR資安應用平台推出了來自領先業界資安供應商的內容包,為客戶提供了450多種目前可用的現存組合。

Palo Alto Networks正在邀請資安專家在全球最大的SOAR黑客馬拉松發展一個新的資安協調劇本: Automation Rising 2020。報名參加虛擬競賽並為Cortex XSOAR資安應用平台開發創新的資安協調劇本。比賽即日起至10月30日舉行,獎金為美金60,000元。參訪https://automationrising.devpost.com/參加黑客馬拉松競賽。


關於Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks是全球網路安全領導者,致力於透過能夠轉變人們與組織運作方式的科技,塑造以雲端為本的未來。我們的目標是成為最佳的網路安全夥伴,保護數位時代的生活方式。我們藉由持續創新,掌握在人工智慧、分析、自動化及協作等各方面的最新突破,來面對當今最大的安全挑戰。Palo Alto Networks站在最前線,透過提供整合平台並成就持續成長的合作夥伴生態系統,為無數企業提供在雲端、網路及行動裝置的保護。我們的願景是創造一個今天比昨天更安全的世界。如欲瞭解更多資訊,請造訪 www.paloaltonetworks.com

Palo Alto NetworksPalo Alto Networks識別標誌以及Palo Alto Networks公司在美國及全球其他地區的註冊商標。所有本文中出現的其他商標、企業名稱或服務,亦為各公司所擁有。

Introducing the Cortex XSOAR Marketplace

Aug 04, 2020
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Learn more about the Cortex XSOAR Marketplace at the Cortex XSOAR LinkedIn Live virtual event on Aug. 25!

The Cortex XSOAR Marketplace allows you to discover and share content packs, as shown, contributed by vendors and security practitioners from the world's largest SOAR ecosystem.


Today marks the official launch of the Cortex XSOAR Marketplace – the industry’s most comprehensive marketplace dedicated to security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR). With Cortex XSOAR Marketplace, organizations can rapidly scale up security automation by discovering and sharing content packs contributed by vendors and security practitioners from the world’s largest SOAR ecosystem.

Security teams know that they need more automation and integration of their tech stack for scalable, effective security operations. Cortex XSOAR delivers both, with API-driven orchestration and flexible playbooks that can automate a virtually limitless number of manual tasks. But playbook- and integration-building could be further streamlined to boost automation: our soon-to-be-released 2020 State of SOAR survey data shows that only 40% of SOAR users enjoy building playbooks themselves, whereas 78% desire a common framework and community for sharing playbooks and integrations. 

That community is available today with the Cortex XSOAR Marketplace, allowing security teams to expand and accelerate the usage of automation within their SOC. With the marketplace, your security team can:

  • Leverage industry experts to solve the toughest security use cases: Deploy turnkey content packs that span integrations, playbooks, dashboards and reports with a single click.
  • Discover highly rated, validated content packs: Identify SOAR content packs recommended by peers and reviewed by Palo Alto Networks, the global cybersecurity leader.
  • Stay up to date with innovations in security automation: Continuously extend Cortex XSOAR with proven use cases contributed by SecOps users and the industry’s largest SOAR ecosystem.

The marketplace is launching with powerful content packs from 12 leading cybersecurity providers and will expand with new content at a rapid rate. Content packs deliver single-click activation of complete security use cases, prebuilt by experts and certified by Palo Alto Networks. 

The diagram shows a pyramid building up the offerings of Cortex XSOAR Marketplace and its associated ecosystem. It shows: 1) Technology Integrations, 2) Orchestration Playbooks, 3) Automation Scripts, 4) Dashboard Layouts and 5) Subscription Services.

Would you like to contribute to the marketplace? We’re also kickstarting the marketplace community with the Automation Rising SOAR Hackathon. The Hackathon is the ultimate playbook-building challenge, featuring a cumulative $60,000 in prizes for playbooks in different categories spanning security, product integration and business use cases. Playbooks generated through the Hackathon will add to a foundation of valuable content for the marketplace. Are you up for the challenge? Learn more about how to participate in the Hackathon!

Join us at the Cortex XSOAR LinkedIn Live virtual event on Aug. 25 for more details on the Cortex XSOAR Marketplace.

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