關於 PA-400 Series 新世代防火牆的五個考量事項

Sep 12, 2021
1 minutes
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我們最近推出有多項業界首創創新功能的完整零信任網路安全性,藉以確保任何使用者都可以在任何地方工作而完全不受限制。由於企業將邊界擴展到多個位置,因此必須關注我們的最新創新如何協助銀行、醫院、零售商和甚至管理型安全服務供應商 (MSSP) 等分散式企業。


對於尋求最低整體擁有成本 (TCO) 但希望獲得最佳網路安全成效的企業而言,我們全新的 PA-400 Series 新世代防火牆 (NGFW) 是理想的選擇。這些防火牆可以提供與我們的大型設備相同的世界級安全性,不過採用小型桌上型規格。企業能夠以容易部署的小巧尺寸將零信任網路安全擴展到最偏遠的位置和規模最小的分公司。

PA-400 Series 是 Palo Alto Networks 新世代防火牆系列的最新產品。

圖 1.PA-400 Series 是 Palo Alto Networks 新世代防火牆系列的最新產品。

以下是對於新型 PA-400 Series 應該瞭解的五個關鍵考量事項:

  1. 絕佳效能:PA-400 Series 展現絕佳效能,實現對裝置解密的無縫支援。目前 90% 的企業流量都已加密,因此連接網際網路的企業分公司需要極為強大而足以檢視和保護加密流量的新世代防火牆。
  2. 專為分散式企業所打造:採用工業設計且全新打造,以遠端分散式企業分公司為設計目標。其中包括:
    • 無風扇冷卻 – 實現靜音 (相當適合面向客戶的分公司) 和彈性 (大幅減少遠端分公司的維修需求)。由於沒有活動零件,因此無風扇設計顯著降低故障機率。
    • 雙 (備援) 電源 – 前三款機型均支援雙 (備援) 電源,電源不再成為單點故障的肇因。
    • 多種安裝選項 – 桌上型、牆面安裝和機架安裝,讓 PA-400 Series 能夠滿足不同客戶和分公司環境的需求。
  3. 單一新世代防火牆平台:PA-400 Series 支援分公司位置的安全整合。如果沒有妥善的整合,企業就必須為了試著讓不同的安全工具協同運作而疲於因應。藉由 PA-400 Series 提供的所有雲端交付安全服務,客戶可以在分公司將所有安全需求 (Threat Prevention、WildFire 惡意軟體防禦、IoT Security、DNS Security、數據遺失防護、進階 URL Filtering 和內嵌 SaaS 安全性) 整合於單一防火牆平台。
  4. 最新 PAN-OS:PA-400 Series 支援我們最新的防火牆作業系統 PAN-OS 10.1。這表示您可以獲得 PAN-OS 10.1 之前推出的所有功能,包括憑證網路釣魚防禦和 Policy Optimizer,以及新的雲端身分引擎功能。
  5. 不再需要權衡取捨:PA-400 Series 不需要針對分公司位置在安全性和成本之間權衡取捨。這是我們強大的現代化新世代防火牆系列之中的最新產品,可保護企業免於遭受已知和未知威脅的侵害。該產品現在以極具競爭力的價格供應,專為分散式企業分公司以及中小企業打造。

PA-400 Series 提供四種機型:PA-460、PA-450、PA-440 和 PA-410。這四種機型具備彈性,可以滿足各種效能需求。每種機型均支援透過 Panorama 集中管理的零接觸佈建。分散式分公司的管理、可視性和安全性因此大幅簡化,而且數千個分公司的策略得以統一設定。

了解我們如何透過 PA-400 Series 和其他創新 (例如我們的新 PA-400 訂閱搭售包) 保護分散式企業。歡迎註冊我們的活動系列「完整零信任網路安全性」,並準備在任何位置確保生產力。

Five Things to Know about PA-400 Series Next-Generation Firewalls

Jun 07, 2021
4 minutes
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We recently introduced complete Zero Trust Network Security with several industry-first innovations to secure a world where any user can work anywhere without restrictions. As businesses spread their boundaries across multiple locations, it’s important to focus on how our latest innovations can help distributed organizations like banks, hospitals, retailers and even managed security service providers (MSSP).

Large distributed enterprises with thousands of branches are subject to sophisticated attacks at every location; valuable customer data and financial transactions are prime targets for attackers. Attackers often see these smaller locations as back doors into the larger enterprises, and it’s important that every branch location is secured with the same level of enterprise security as the corporate headquarters and data centers. Finding best-in-class security in smaller form factors was a difficult proposition — until now.

Our new PA-400 Series Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) are ideal for organizations in search of the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO), but wanting the best cybersecurity possible. They offer the same world class security that our larger appliances offer, but in a small desktop form factor. This allows organizations to extend Zero Trust Network Security to their most remote locations and smallest branches with a compact size that is easy to deploy.

The PA-400 Series is the newest addition to the family of Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls.
Figure 1. The PA-400 Series is the newest addition to the family of Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls.

Here are five key things you should know about the new PA-400 Series:

  1. Amazing Performance: The PA-400 Series delivers amazing performance, enabling seamless support of on-device decryption. With 90% of enterprise traffic now encrypted, internet-connected enterprise branches need Next-Generation Firewalls that are powerful enough to see and secure encrypted traffic.
  2. Built for Distributed Enterprises: Built from the ground up with an industrial design keeping the remote distributed enterprise branch in mind. This includes:
    • Fanless Cooling – This makes it quiet (great for customer facing branches) and resilient (greatly reduces need for servicing remote branches). With no moving parts, a fanless design significantly reduces the chances of failures.
    • Dual (Redundant) Power Supplies – The top three models all support dual (redundant) power supplies so that the power supply is no longer a single point of failure.
    • Multiple Mounting Options – Desktops, wall mounts and rackmounts allow the PA-400 Series to meet the needs of different customers and branch scenarios.
  3. One NGFW Platform: The PA-400 Series enables security consolidation at branch locations. Without proper consolidation, enterprises struggle with disparate sets of security tools, trying to get them to work together. With all of our Cloud-Delivered Security Services available on the PA-400 Series, customers can consolidate all their security needs (Threat Prevention, WildFire Malware Prevention, IoT Security, DNS Security, Data Loss Prevention, Advanced URL Filtering, plus inline SaaS Security) at the branch into a single firewall platform.
  4. The Latest PAN-OS: The PA-400 Series supports our latest firewall operating system PAN-OS 10.1. This means you get all the features that were launched up to PAN-OS 10.1, including Credential Phishing Prevention and Policy Optimizer, along with the new Cloud Identity Engine feature.
  5. No More Trade-Offs: The PA-400 Series removes the need to trade-off security and cost at branch locations. It is the latest in our lineup of modern powerful Next-Generation Firewalls that protect enterprises against both known and unknown threats. And now, it is available at very competitive prices, purpose built for the distributed enterprise branches, as well as for small and medium businesses.

The PA-400 Series is available as four models: PA-460, PA-450, PA-440 and PA-410. These four models offer flexibility for a range of performance requirements. Each one supports Zero Touch Provisioning with centralized management from Panorama. This greatly simplifies management, visibility and security for distributed branches and enables uniform configuration of policies across thousands of branches.

Find out how we’re securing distributed enterprises with our PA-400 Series and other innovations, like our new PA-400 Subscription Bundles. Register for our event series, Complete Zero Trust Network Security, and get ready to secure productivity wherever it takes place.


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