IoTセキュリティ: 絶対に知っておくべき7つのこと

Aug 27, 2020
1 minutes
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No.7 企業ネットワークに接続されるIoTデバイス数は増え続けている。 IoTデバイスは大きなセキュリティリスクを抱えています。企業の約45%はすでになんらかのIoTデバイスのデプロイを行っており、約26%は今後12か月以内にIoTデバイスのデプロイを計画しています。

No.6 企業が生き残り成功するためにはIoT投資の保護が不可欠。 76%の企業がIoTの保護を最優先事項と回答していることから大多数の企業がこの意見に同調しているといえます。ですが、脅威やエクスプロイトからのIoTデバイス保護対策ができていると感じている企業は16%にとどまります。

No.5 IoTデバイスにはIoTならではの課題がつきまとう。しかもIT部門に断りなく持ち込まれるケースも多い。保護も難しいですが、それよりもまずネットワーク内に無断で持ち込まれたIoTデバイスの特定自体が難しくなります。

No.4 ネットワーク内の管理外デバイスのもたらす課題に対処する最も効果的な方法はそれらを管理下に置くこと。IoTセキュリティソリューションなら、すべてのデバイスを可視化した上で、エンドポイント保護対策を持たないIoTデバイスも特定し、そうしたデバイスも含めてすべてのデバイスを保護します。

No.3 理想のIoTセキュリティソリューションは機械学習(ML)のアプローチを採用したもの。これにくわえ、IoTデバイス・関連リスクの検出から脆弱性評価支援、避けられない新たなリスクの制御のためのベストプラクティス実装まで、IoTライフサイクルの5つのステージすべてをシームレスに統合すべきです。

No.2 理想のIoTセキュリティソリューションはセキュリティチームに実行力をもたらすもの。最も正確で深い可視性を確保しつつ、IoTデバイスのリスクをプロアクティブに監視し、異常を検出し、実施すべきポリシーを提案・適用し、脅威を予防できねばなりません。

No.1 理想のIoTセキュリティソリューションで一番重要なのは実装が簡単なこと。業界屈指のML活用次世代ファイアウォールに組み込まれた固有機能、ポリシー構成を備えた弊社のIoTセキュリティがあれば、ITチームはデバイスグループのコンテキストに応じたネットワークセグメンテーションでリスクを緩和し、自動化によって手作業を最小限にとどめ、予防によって既知・未知の脅威を排除できるようになります。すでにお使いのパロアルトネットワークスの次世代ファイアウォールでいってみれば「スイッチをオンにするだけ」で簡単にIoTデバイスのセキュリティを実装できます。





IoT Security: 7 Essential Must-Knows

Aug 13, 2020
4 minutes
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Today’s enterprises are moving at great speed towards transformation, and the definition of their network is constantly changing—with hybrid clouds, IoT devices, and now home offices. With an expanding network edge comes increased cyber risk—inseparably linking businesses to frequent, severe and sophisticated cyberattacks.

To protect themselves, businesses need to end their dependence on reactive security measures and point solutions more than ever. Instead, they must adopt intelligent, proactive network security powered by machine learning—one that invokes a radical mind shift in cybersecurity. At Palo Alto Networks, we drove this point home with our June 2020 launch of the world’s first ML-powered Next Generation Firewall.

During the launch event we hosted a panel of IoT security experts to discuss the state of IoT security. This panel of Palo Alto Networks IoT security experts, industry leaders and peers discussed the pressing need for a natively integrated, signature-less way to secure IoT devices in the enterprise.

Top-ranked are the seven most interesting takeaways from the two sessions on IoT Security. If you’d like to watch the sessions yourself, a replay is available here.

#7 An increasing number of IoT devices are connected to the enterprise network. These devices carry an increasing amount of security risks. About 45% of enterprises already have some sort of IoT deployment, and another 26% are planning an IoT deployment in the next 12 months.

#6 Securing IoT investments has become business-critical for organizations to survive and thrive. Most enterprises agree—because for 76%, securing IoT is a top priority. Yet, only 16% feel prepared to secure their IoT devices from threats and exploits.

#5 IoT devices present unique challenges for security teams and many IoT devices are brought into organizations without IT’s knowledge. Challenging enough to secure, even identifying them in the network first and foremost is a daunting task all on its own.

#4 The most effective way to address security challenges arising out of unmanaged devices in the network is by, well, managing them. An IoT security solution identifies every device, determines which IoT devices are not running endpoint protection, and protects all of them regardless.

#3 An ideal IoT security solution uses a machine learning (ML) approach and seamlessly integrates all five stages of the IoT lifecycle—from discovery of IoT devices and their associated risks to helping assess vulnerabilities and implementing best practices to control new risk as it is inevitably created.

#2 An ideal IoT security solution empowers security teams to proactively monitor device risk, detect anomalies, recommend and apply policies for enforcement, and prevent threats all the while ensuring the most accurate and deepest level of visibility.

#1 And most importantly, the ideal solution is easy to implement. Configured with unique features and policy constructs already built into our industry-leading ML-Powered Next-Generation Firewall, our IoT Security allows IT teams to apply context-aware network segmentation of device groups to reduce risk, automation to minimize manual effort, and prevention to eliminate known and unknown threats. Simply turn on the switch on any of your existing Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls to get started.

In short, our industry-first IoT Security makes deploying single-purpose sensors a thing of the past.

We have now reached a key milestone and are thrilled to confirm the general availability of Palo Alto Networks IoT Security, starting with instances for Americas and EMEA. That means, our IoT Security is ready to secure enterprise IoT deployments around the world—as a new subscription to our current customers, and to future customers via our ML-Powered Next-Generation Firewall serving as a sensor and enforcement point.


Watch a demo of IoT Security or to watch other on-demand sessions from our virtual event on Intelligent Network Security, register here. If you are looking for in-depth information on Palo Alto Networks and IoT security, don’t forget to visit our website.

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