
Feb 24, 2021
1 minutes
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  • グローバルのオフィスでの再生可能エネルギー利用率を100%とします。
  • 科学的根拠に基づく目標にしたがい排出量を削減します。
  • 残った排出量を高品質なカーボンオフセットに投資します。







今年の世界経済フォーラムのダボス会議で私たちはInternational Business Councilが策定したステークホルダー資本主義の指標に基づき環境・社会・ガバナンス(ESG)の報告を全体的に増やすという誓約をいたしました。


  • カーボンディスクロージャープロジェクト(CDP)に継続的に参加します。
  • 気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(TCFD)フレームワークを使用し、計画と進捗状況を共有します。







  • 環境への取り組みを提唱する組織と協力します。
  • 世界的な公共政策に影響を与えます。
  • 従業員に働きかけ、環境に長期的影響をもたらす習慣を自宅やオフィスで身に付けてもらうようにします。


私たちの気候に関する誓約はこちらからご確認ください。 気候変動問題への取り組みをこれから行われる皆様と、この重要な旅路をご一緒できることを楽しみにしております。



Palo Alto Networks Commits to Be Carbon Neutral by 2030

Feb 22, 2021
3 minutes
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Climate change is an existential threat. We must all do our part to address it – and at Palo Alto Networks, we’re all-in.

Today we’re declaring that we will be carbon neutral by 2030. To accomplish this, we will:

  • Rely 100% on renewable energy for our global offices. 
  • Reduce our emissions in alignment with science-based targets. 
  • Invest in high-quality carbon offsets for any remaining emissions. 

We’ll work across sectors to advance climate action, and we’ll be transparent about our progress along the way. 


Our Existing Environmental Initiatives  

Environmental stewardship is not new to Palo Alto Networks. 

That’s why our major offices are environmentally certified (levels of LEED certification, or equivalent, vary by location), and our employees lead site-based actions from recycling and waste reduction to roundtables and volunteerism. 

While we’re proud of what we’ve done so far, we can’t stop here. 


We Commit Today to Measurable, Transparent Results

This year, during the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda, we committed to increasing overall environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, according to the Stakeholder Capitalism metrics established by the International Business Council.

Our other transparency efforts will follow framework standards that include:

  • Ongoing participation in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
  • Sharing plans and progress using the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework.

These efforts will allow us – and our stakeholders – to keep track of how we’re doing as we work toward our goal.


A Bold Target: Carbon Neutral by 2030

The Paris Agreement calls for us as an international community to limit global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius by 2050. We’ve set ourselves the target of doing our part to reach that goal 20 years early.

Climate change is a complex issue. Addressing it – like solving the world’s greatest cybersecurity challenges – isn’t something any one company can do alone. The effort will require creativity, collaboration and visionary thinking. 

In building our strategy, I’ve talked with leaders I respect and admire, and our company has assessed the important work many companies, governments and industry coalitions are doing to reduce their impacts on climate change and establish standards and frameworks. We’re ready to benefit from the insights of others and make our own unique contribution to the cause. 

Going forward, in addition to the use of renewables, reducing emissions and investing in offsets we will: 

  • Partner with organizations to advocate environmental stewardship.
  • Influence global public policy.
  • Mobilize our workforce to adopt personal habits that have long-term impact at home and in our office locations.

If you’re a partner or supplier of Palo Alto Networks, your engagement will be critical. Whatever your approach may be, I urge that you consider aligning to the Paris Agreement to bring emissions down and do all you can to respect our planet.

Our Climate Commitments are below. If you haven’t already made your own climate commitment, we hope you’ll join us on this crucial journey.

Palo Alto Networks Climate Commitments: Be carbon neutral by 2030. We've already purchased renewable energy certifications to match 100% of the anticipated energy usage for our U.S. offices for calendar year 2021; launched a platform to monitor and measure performance against our stated goals; and invested in high-quality carbon offsets for shipping and travel for CY 2020 and 2021. We're planning expanded partnerships with leading standards and reporting organizations; water and waste reduction initiatives across our global campuses; ongoing and expanded internal Green Team programs; product stewardship and engagement with our customers and supply chain partners; and advocacy to realize Paris Agreement goals.

Visit our website for more information about our Corporate Responsibility efforts.

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