CNAPP 年度最佳公司

May 08, 2023
1 minutes
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尽管部署了各种单点安全解决方案,但大多数企业的重大安全事件仍层出不穷。更糟的是,90% 的企业无法在一小时内检测、控制和解决网络威胁

由于大多数云安全解决方案每隔 12-24 小时才会进行一次云配置和工作负载扫描,因此,企业仍面临重重困境。这种效果不佳的扫描方法会产生危险的盲点,尤其是在云配置变更状态、审核跟踪和临时工作负载方面。


CNAPP 可满足日益增长的综合云安全需求



云原生应用保护平台 (CNAPP) 已得到发展,可以应对这些挑战。CNAPP 旨在于整个开发生命周期内提供对云环境和安全应用的完全可视性,现正在成为企业 DNA 不可或缺的一部分。CNAPP 提供了必要的综合工具集来保护云中的一切内容,这可以简化安全操作。

整个行业的分析师都见证了 CNAPP 的崛起。其中,Frost & Sullivan 推出了 Frost Radar™ 2022 云原生应用保护平台,还发布了 2022 年的研究成果,对市场上的 15 种 CNAPP 解决方案进行了深入评估。

Palo Alto Networks CNAPP, Prisma Cloud,在报告中被评为领导者,被誉为“......最全面和最畅销的 CNAPP 平台之一,为云环境提供全面的安全堆栈保护,包括 DevOps 安全、IaC、无服务器安全、CSPM、CWPP、CIEM 和 CNWS。”

Frost & Sullivan 对领导力的认可延续了他们最新的分析结果。

Prisma Cloud 被评为 CNAPP 年度最佳公司

作为其初始报告的延伸,Frost & Sullivan 对每家提名公司的最佳实践标准进行了详细评估,涵盖“前瞻性创新和表现”及“客户影响”两个维度。

这次分析的结果显示,Palo Alto Networks 获得了云原生应用保护平台 (CNAPP) 行业的 2023 年 Frost & Sullivan 全球年度公司奖。Frost & Sullivan 表示“Palo Alto Networks 是 CNAPP 的先驱,巩固了其在云原生安全市场中的市场领导者地位。”

此次最新评定是对 2022 年“云工作负载保护年度最佳公司”的后续肯定,是 Prisma Cloud 以预防为先的安全方法的成果。与其他解决方案不同,Prisma Cloud 通过提供出色的实时可视性和威胁检测功能主动阻止关键攻击并防止横向移动,帮助企业应对从代码到云环境的安全挑战。

Prisma Cloud 具有独特的定位,可以有效抵御当今普遍存在的威胁,保护超过 70 亿云资产和 250 万工作负载,每天还可处理超过 1 万亿个事件。Prisma Cloud 之所以能获得此次奖项提名,主要原因是具备在造成任何损害之前消除威胁的能力。

根据 Frost & Sullivan 的说法,“Prisma Cloud 与其他 CNAPP 解决方案的区别在于提供了一个涵盖五个关键云安全领域的平台,为企业在整个软件开发生命周期 (SDLC) 中提供一流的安全性。”

要查看 Frost & Sullivan 的完整分析,请下载他们的卓越最佳实践报告。


每年,Frost & Sullivan 都会将此奖项颁发给在实施积极为客户创造价值的战略方面表现卓越的公司,重点是提高客户对其服务或产品的投资回报。该奖项表彰了这家公司对于增加客户所获价值的专注性,而不仅仅是提供良好的客户服务,从而提高客户留存率并壮大客户群。

Frost & Sullivan 最佳实践奖表彰了各个地区和全球部门在领导力、技术创新、客户服务和战略产品开发方面取得的杰出成就和卓越表现的公司。行业分析师对行业参与者进行了对比,并通过深入访谈、分析和大量二次研究来衡量他们的表现,从而确定行业最佳实践。

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60 年来,Frost & Sullivan 一直以帮助投资者、企业领导者和政府应对经济变化,确定颠覆性技术、大趋势、全新商业模式和应采取的行动公司而享誉全球,由此带来源源不断的发展机会,助推他们在今后取得成功。联系我们:开始讨论

CNAPP Company of the Year

Apr 24, 2023
4 minutes
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Most organizations continue to suffer significant security incidents, despite deploying a variety of point security solutions. Even worse, 90% of organizations can’t detect, contain, and resolve cyberthreats within an hour.

Organizations continue to struggle because most cloud security solutions only scan cloud configurations and workloads every 12-24 hours. It’s an ineffective approach that creates dangerous blind spots, particularly with cloud configuration change states, audit trails, and ephemeral workloads.

To defend against pervasive threats, organizations need security solutions that can keep up with the speed of the cloud.

CNAPPs Address Growing Need for Comprehensive Cloud Security

The cloud and cloud-native technologies have become an integral part of the digital transformation strategy for most organizations. They not only enable applications to be built and scaled quickly and efficiently, but they also serve a central role in driving innovation and delivering on strategic goals.

It’s no secret, though, that the cloud has its downside. It’s a fast-paced, complex environment rife with security challenges. Blind spots, excessive permissions, compliance issues, and a confusing array of disparate security tools are problematic for overtaxed and understaffed security teams.

Cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs) have evolved to address these challenges. Designed to provide complete visibility into cloud environments and secure applications across the development lifecycle, CNAPPs are becoming part of the organizational DNA. CNAPPs provide the essential comprehensive tool set for securing everything in the cloud, making it easy to operationalize security.

Analysts across the industry have documented the emergence of CNAPPs. Among the first, Frost & Sullivan launched the Frost Radar™ 2022 Cloud Native Application Protection Platform, 2022 study, which provided an in-depth assessment of 15 CNAPP solutions across the market.

Palo Alto Networks CNAPP, Prisma Cloud, was named a leader in the report, praised for being “... one of the most comprehensive and marketable CNAPP platforms, providing full security stack protection for cloud environments, including DevOps security, IaC, serverless security, CSPM, CWPP, CIEM and CNWS.”

Frost & Sullivan's recognition of leadership continues with the results of their latest analysis.

Prisma Cloud Named CNAPP Company of the Year

As an extension of their initial report, Frost & Sullivan conducted a detailed evaluation of best practice criteria across the dimensions of “Visionary Innovation and Performance,” and “Customer Impact.” for each nominated company.

As a result of this analysis, Palo Alto Networks was awarded the 2023 Frost & Sullivan Global Company of the Year Award in the Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) industry. Frost & Sullivan asserts “Palo Alto Networks is a CNAPP pioneer and has solidified its position as a market leader in cloud-native security market.”

This latest recognition, a follow-up from the 2022 designation of Cloud Workload Protection Company of the Year, comes as a result of Prisma Cloud’s prevention-first approach to security. Unlike other solutions, Prisma Cloud proactively stops critical attacks and prevents lateral movement by providing excellent real-time visibility and threat detection capabilities to help organizations address security challenges from code to cloud environment.

Uniquely positioned to effectively defend against today’s pervasive threats, Prisma Cloud secures more than 7 billion cloud assets and 2.5 million workloads — all while processing in excess of 1 trillion events daily. Prisma Cloud’s ability to eliminate threats before they cause any damage is the driving factor behind this award nomination.

According to Frost & Sullivan, “Prisma Cloud distinguishes itself from other CNAPP solutions by offering a platform that covers five critical cloud security areas, providing organizations with best-in-class security across the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC).”

To read Frost & Sullivan’s full analysis, download their Excellence in Best Practices report.


Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has demonstrated excellence in implementing strategies that proactively create value for its customers, with a focus on improving the return on investment that customers make in its services or products. The award recognizes the company's unique focus on augmenting the value that its customers receive, beyond simply good customer service, leading to improved customer retention and customer base expansion.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in various regional and global sectors for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare sector participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

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