NTT 与 Palo Alto Networks 携手,提供托管的 Prisma SASE

Feb 28, 2023
1 minutes
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我很高兴地宣布,Palo Alto Networks 与 NTT 深化了合作伙伴关系,通过 Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE(安全访问服务边缘)提供 NTT 的托管园区网络,这是一种端到端的 NTT 托管服务。这款新产品由业内最完善的 SASE 解决方案提供支持,可帮助企业通过 SASE 转型获得最佳成效。

随着云采用脚步的加快,以及向混合办公模式的转变成为劳动力方面的新现实情况,企业开始着手寻找能够保护其数字基础架构的解决方案。SASE(将 SD-WAN 的网络功能与零信任和其他云安全功能集成在一起)正在成为许多客户的首选架构。他们希望实现网络与安全的现代化转型,同时降低管理零散单点解决方案的操作复杂性。

NTT Ltd. 托管网络和协作服务部执行副总裁 Amit Dhingra 表示:“巧借 NTT 广泛的技术专长和资源、托管服务方面的成熟经验,以及我们托管园区服务平台的创新数字功能为 Palo Alto Networks 的 Prisma SASE 技术平台提供支持,将为客户带来巨大利益。这种完全托管的端到端服务将提高网络敏捷性,提供增强的监控功能,从而加快响应时间;同时还提供 SASE 的所有优势,以支持当今的云 IT 模型以及更为分散的劳动力。”

向 SASE 的迁移已迫在眉睫,但对于许多客户来说,这令他们望而生畏。NTT 等托管网络服务提供商的深厚专业知识与 Palo Alto Networks 全面的 SASE 功能相结合,可为客户提供管理资源、实用工具和技术,以满足全球范围内最棘手的网络和安全要求。

Palo Alto Networks 与 NTT 联手加强混合劳动力的零信任安全

企业必须适应如今更加灵活的员工队伍,前提是不能影响自身的安全性以及用户体验。传统网络和安全架构不适合现在的劳动力状况。此外,传统的 VPN 解决方案和旧版零信任网络访问 (ZTNA) 解决方案在其架构中存在固有缺陷。用户访问权限可能过于广泛,并且缺乏持续的安全检查,这违背了零信任原则。

我们相信,当前客户需要一种称为 ZTNA 2.0 的新解决方案,才能在云优先的环境中成功且安全地开展运营。只有包含 ZTNA 2.0 的 SASE 解决方案(具有基于身份的身份验证和精细访问控制功能)才能提供更完整、更全面的零信任方法。

Palo Alto Networks 与 NTT 已合作应对客户当今面临的挑战,并提供全面的托管 Prisma SASE 服务:使用 Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE 的 NTT 托管园区网络。这款托管产品汇集了 NTT 托管园区网络行业领先的管理和监控功能,利用 Prisma SASE 先进的 AIOps 和预测分析。

这种独有的端到端托管解决方案通过一流的云交付安全功能保护所有用户和应用,并与新一代 SD-WAN 配合使用,以为云交付的分支机构提供支持。

作为领先的托管服务提供商和全球系统集成商,NTT 成功地运用技术诀窍、商业头脑和战略最佳实践,通过全球技术解决方案为主要企业的业务发展提供支持。他们可以协助管理复杂的 IT 环境并简化正在进行的 IT 流程,从而优化关键业务应用并提高运营效率。

使用 Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE 的 NTT 托管园区网络为客户提供完整端到端托管 Prisma SASE 解决方案的集成网络、安全、管理和监控组件。此外,NTT 还提供整体解决方案的规划、设计、实施和项目管理,旨在充分满足当今企业的业务和技术需求。


  • 降低复杂性和成本 - 管理客户端部署和操作的复杂性,同时将安全策略与产品组合到单一的解决方案中。
  • 一流的端到端托管 SASE 集成服务 - Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE 为一流的集成安全服务边缘 (SSE) 和 SD-WAN 解决方案提供 NTT 的托管网络服务功能。它将各种单点产品组合成单一的集成服务,包括 ZTNACloud SWGCASBFWaaS 和 SD-WAN
  • 遍布全球 - 这是一款全球适用的产品,提供全球服务,覆盖力可遍布世界所有地区。产品遵循阳光服务模式,提供 24/7 全天候服务以满足客户需求。
  • 简单、可扩展的模型 - 这款产品易于采用,是一种基于消费的业务模型,可让客户根据需要启动和扩展,并且具有完整的服务生命周期,入口点根据每位客户的体验历程和需求量身定制。

借助使用 Prisma SASE 的 NTT 托管园区完成数字化转型

Palo Alto Networks 与 NTT 可共同保护各种规模的企业,同时在如今分布式的工作环境中实现更加简化的连接,提高生产力。托管的端到端 SASE 解决方案为企业提供了实现业务现代化的正确途径,从而保证安全性、速度和发展并节约成本。根据 Forrester 所做的研究,采用 Prisma SASE 可降低风险,加快云和数字化转型,并降低总成本。

一家大型企业的投资回报率最高可达 270%。通过将 Palo Alto Networks 安全技术与 NTT 的托管服务相集成,企业可以在不断变化的威胁环境下实现其业务目标,形成更可靠、适应性和预测性更强的网络安全态势。


请阅读我们的新闻稿,了解有关 NTT 的托管园区网络与 Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE 优势的更多信息,以及我们的解决方案简介,从而详细了解我们的服务产品。

NTT Partners with Palo Alto Networks to Deliver Managed Prisma SASE

Feb 02, 2023
5 minutes
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I'm thrilled to announce that Palo Alto Networks and NTT have expanded their partnership to offer NTT’s Managed Campus Networks with Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE (Secure Access Service Edge), an end-to-end NTT managed service. This new offering is powered by the industry's most complete SASE solution to help organizations achieve the best performance from their SASE transformation.

With the accelerated adoption of cloud and the move to hybrid work as the new workforce reality, organizations are actively looking for solutions to secure their digital infrastructure. SASE, (which integrates the networking functionality of SD-WAN with Zero Trust and other cloud security features) is becoming the architecture of choice for many customers. They’re looking to modernize their network and security while reducing the operational complexity of managing fragmented point solutions.

“Underpinning Palo Alto Networks’ Prisma SASE technology platform with NTT’s expansive technical expertise and resources, established experience in managed services and the innovative digital capabilities of our managed campus service platform will result in substantial customer benefits,” stated Amit Dhingra, EVP Managed Network and Collaboration Services Division at NTT Ltd. “This fully managed, end-to-end service will improve network agility, provide enhanced monitoring and result in faster response times while also delivering all the benefits of SASE in support of today’s cloud IT model and more distributed workforce.”

The move to SASE is imminent, but it can be daunting for many customers. The deep expertise of a managed network service provider like NTT, combined with the Palo Alto Networks comprehensive SASE capabilities, offers customers the management resources, tools and technologies to meet the most difficult networking and security requirements on a global level.

Palo Alto Networks and NTT Join Forces to Bolster Zero Trust Security for the Hybrid Workforce

Organizations must adapt to today’s more flexible workforce without compromising their security and user experience. Legacy networking and security architectures don't cut it for today's workforce. Furthermore, the traditional VPN solutions and legacy Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solutions have inherent flaws in their architecture. User access can be too broad and lack continuous security inspection. This goes against the principles of Zero Trust.

We believe that today’s customers need a new approach, known as ZTNA 2.0, to operate successfully and securely in a cloud-first environment. Only SASE solutions that incorporate ZTNA 2.0, which features identity-based authentication and granular access-control capabilities, can provide a more complete, holistic approach to Zero Trust.

Palo Alto Networks and NTT have partnered to tackle the challenges customers face today and deliver a comprehensive managed Prisma SASE service: NTT Managed Campus Networks with Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE. The managed offering brings together the industry leading management and monitoring capabilities of NTT Managed Campus Networks, that leverages advanced AIOps and predictive analytics, with Prisma SASE.

This unique end-to-end managed solution secures all users and applications with best-in-class, cloud-delivered security capabilities, coupled with next-generation SD-WAN to enable the cloud-delivered branch.

As a leading managed service provider and global systems integrator, NTT successfully applies technical know-how, business acumen and strategic best practices to support major corporate businesses with technology solutions around the globe. They can assist in managing complex IT environments and streamlining ongoing IT processes to optimize business critical applications and improve operational efficiencies.

The NTT Managed Campus Networks with Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE offers integrated networking, security, management and monitoring components for a complete end-to-end managed Prisma SASE solution for clients. Additionally, NTT provides planning, design, implementation and project management of the overall solution to fully address today’s organizations’ business and technology needs.

This offering provides organizations with multiple benefits:

  • Reduced Complexity and Cost – Manage client deployment and operational complexities while combining security policies and products into a single solution.
  • Best-In-Class, End-to-End Managed SASE Integration Services – Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE powers the best-in-class integrated Secure Service Edge (SSE) and SD-WAN solution with NTT's managed network services capabilities. It combines various point products into a single integrated service, including ZTNA, Cloud SWG, CASB, FWaaS and SD-WAN.
  • Global Presence – A global offering available across all geographies with global service coverage that adheres to the sun service model, providing 24/7 services to meet clients' needs.
  • Simple and Scalable Model – With easy adoption, it’s a consumption-based business model that lets clients start and expand as needed, and a full lifecycle of services with entry points are tailored to individual client journeys and needs.

Complete Your Digital Transformation with NTT Managed Campus with Prisma SASE

Together, Palo Alto Networks and NTT help protect organizations of all sizes while allowing for more streamlined connectivity and productivity in today’s distributed work environment. A managed, end-to-end SASE solution provides organizations with the right path to modernize their business for security, speed, growth and cost savings. According to research conducted by Forrester, adopting Prisma SASE reduces risk, speeds up cloud and digital transformation, and reduces costs overall.

A large enterprise can expect a return on investment of up to 270%. By integrating Palo Alto Networks security technology with NTT's managed services, organizations can accomplish their business goals in an ever-evolving threat landscape, developing a more reliable, adaptable and predictive cybersecurity posture.

Organizations who employ this cloud-based strategy for network and data security lower their risk of data breaches, improve user experience, and set themselves up for future success.

See our press release for more information on the benefits of NTT's Managed Campus Networks with Palo Alto Networks Prisma SASE and our solutions brief to learn more about our services offering.

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