What is Cloud Security?

Cloud Security is composed of various technologies and tools designed to protect each aspect of the shared responsibility model.

5 min. read

Cloud security, or cloud computing security, consists of various technologies and tools designed to protect each aspect of the Shared Responsibility Model. Although cloud users aren't responsible for the security of the underlying infrastructure, they are responsible for protecting their information from theft, data leakage and deletion. Many security approaches in the cloud are the same as those of traditional IT security, but there are some fundamental differences. Whether you implement public, private or hybrid cloud environments, it’s important to adopt security controls that facilitate frictionless deployment and don't hinder the dynamic, agile nature for which cloud environments are renowned.

Public Cloud

The public cloud is a cloud computing model in which IT services are delivered via the public internet. In this case, the entire underlying infrastructure is completely owned and operated by a third-party cloud provider, such as Google Cloud, Amazon or Microsoft. Public cloud deployments are often used to provide common services like web-based applications or storage, but they can also be used for complex computations or to test and develop new services. These environments are generally billed via annual or use-based subscriptions based on the number of cloud resources used and traffic processed. Within a public cloud environment, you share the foundational infrastructure with other organizations, and you can access your services as well as deploy and manage your resources through your account. The public cloud yields many potential advantages for businesses, including the ability to deploy highly scalable, globally available applications quickly and without costly upfront investments.

Private Cloud

In a private cloud, infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single business or organization. It can be owned, managed and operated by the business, a third-party service provider, or a combination of the two. It can also be located on the business’s premises or off, similar to the public cloud. Any application can be run in a private cloud environment, including websites, big data and machine learning applications, and databases. The private cloud offers many of the same benefits as the public cloud, such as elastic scalability and cost savings, but it also guarantees resource availability, total control, privacy and regulatory compliance. This makes private clouds highly desirable to organizations that have strict compliance requirements or demand absolute control over their data location, such as government agencies or financial institutions.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is a combination of on-premises, private and/or public cloud environments that remain separate yet orchestrated. In a hybrid cloud environment, data and applications can move between environments, enabling greater flexibility – especially for organizations looking to extend their existing on-premises footprints with specific use cases ideally suited for the cloud. As an example, public clouds can be used for high-volume, lower-security needs, such as web-based applications, while private clouds can be used for more sensitive, business-critical operations like financial reporting. Often referred to as the best of both worlds, its adaptability makes it attractive for many enterprises.

Cloud Security Implications

Cloud services offer many advantages for organizations looking to reduce their data center footprints or accelerate business growth. Consequently, the ability to log in to cloud environments from anywhere with an internet connection vastly increases the risk of attacks. The top cloud security challenges cited by cybersecurity professionals in the 2021 Cloud Threat Report were data loss/leakage, threats to data privacy and breaches of confidentiality.

Much cloud risk can be attributed to three things: misunderstanding the Shared Responsibility Model, deploying resources that aren’t correctly configured, or failing to manage security controls at pace with the rapid innovation common in the cloud. Having a well-defined cloud strategy and adopting security tools purpose-built to secure these environments is paramount. To fulfill their security responsibilities as part of the Shared Responsibility Model, organizations need tools that provide:

  • Visibility into activity within cloud applications
  • Detailed analytics on usage to prevent data risk and compliance violations
  • Context-aware policy controls to drive enforcement and remediate when violations occur
  • Realtime threat intelligence on known and unknown threats to detect and prevent new malware insertion points

In the face of dynamic threats, organizations need purpose-built tools that can rapidly discover cloud threats in real time, understand their severity, and immediately act through automated playbooks. Furthermore, by adding security earlier in the development cycle, organizations can shift left and further reduce their threat exposure.

With today’s sophisticated, automated attacks, only advanced, integrated security can prevent successful breaches. It must secure the entire IT environment, including multi-cloud environments as well as the organization’s data centers and mobile users. A consistent, integrated approach that provides complete visibility and granular control across the entire organization will reduce friction, minimize business disruption, and enable organizations to safely, confidently embrace the cloud.

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Cloud Security FAQs

Multicloud security encompasses strategies and technologies to protect data, applications, and services across multiple cloud platforms, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. It ensures consistent security policy enforcement and threat protection, despite the varying native controls of each provider. Key challenges include managing complex configurations, preventing data breaches, and maintaining visibility and compliance across diverse cloud environments.
Hybrid cloud security addresses the protection of integrated on-premises infrastructure, private clouds, and public clouds. It involves securing data transfers, managing access controls, and enforcing consistent security policies. The complexity arises from the need to protect data as it moves between different environments while also capitalizing on the scalability and flexibility of cloud resources.
Zero Trust security is a strategic approach that assumes all users and devices, both inside and outside the organization's network, are potential threats. It requires strict identity verification, least privilege access, and continuous monitoring of all network traffic. Implementing Zero Trust involves segmenting the network, applying multifactor authentication, and employing real-time security analytics to detect and respond to threats.
Cloud security governance involves the development of policies, procedures, and controls to manage risk and ensure compliance in the cloud. It requires a framework that aligns with an organization's objectives, regulatory requirements, and security best practices. Governance strategies encompass risk assessment, incident management, and regular audits to maintain the integrity and security of cloud-based resources.
Cloud incident response refers to the methodologies and processes that organizations use to detect, respond to, and recover from security incidents within cloud environments. It includes preparation of response plans, swift detection of security events, containment of threats, eradication of the root cause, and recovery of services. Post-incident analysis is crucial for refining the incident response strategy and bolstering cloud defenses.
Cloud security architecture is a blueprint that outlines how security controls are integrated into cloud infrastructure. It involves designing the architecture to include firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption, and data loss prevention mechanisms. Properly designed, it supports regulatory compliance, protects against threats, and accommodates the dynamic nature of cloud computing without sacrificing performance.
Cloud security frameworks provide standardized guidelines and best practices for securing cloud computing environments. They offer structured approaches for managing risks, implementing security controls, and maintaining compliance. Examples include the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, ISO 27017, and the Cloud Security Alliance's Cloud Controls Matrix, each tailored to address the unique challenges of cloud security management.
DevSecOps in the cloud integrates security practices within the DevOps process, automating and embedding security at every phase of cloud software development and deployment. It mandates security checks during code commits, container orchestration, and infrastructure provisioning. Teams leverage automated tools for vulnerability scanning, compliance monitoring, and threat detection to reduce risk without compromising the speed of cloud service delivery.
Cloud security posture management (CSPM) automates the identification and remediation of risks across cloud infrastructures. CSPM tools continuously scan for misconfigurations, enforce security policies, and ensure compliance with industry standards. They provide visibility into cloud assets and their configurations, enabling teams to maintain a strong security posture in dynamic cloud environments.
A cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) is an integrated suite providing comprehensive security for cloud-native applications. CNAPP combines capabilities such as CSPM, CWPP, and application security to protect cloud environments throughout the software lifecycle. It addresses risks from code to runtime, offering threat detection, vulnerability management, and compliance monitoring.
A cloud access security broker (CASB) acts as an intermediary between users and cloud service providers to enforce security policies. CASBs offer visibility into cloud application usage, data protection, threat prevention, and compliance across multiple cloud services. They enable organizations to extend their security controls from their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud.
A cloud workload protection platform (CWPP) secures workloads across virtual machines, containers, and serverless functions in public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. CWPP solutions offer runtime protection, system integrity monitoring, network controls, and vulnerability management to safeguard workloads from threats and ensure compliance.
Cloud infrastructure security encompasses the practices and technologies used to protect the essential components of cloud computing, including hardware, software, networking, and facilities. It involves securing virtualized environments, managing access controls, encrypting data at rest and in transit, and deploying intrusion detection systems to safeguard infrastructure against threats.
Cloud data protection entails safeguarding data within cloud services against corruption, compromise, and loss. It includes encryption, tokenization, access controls, and backup solutions. Security teams implement these measures to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability, even as data moves between local and cloud environments.
Cloud compliance management ensures that cloud services and operations adhere to regulatory standards and industry best practices. It involves regular assessments, audits, and automated controls to meet requirements of frameworks like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. Organizations use compliance management to protect sensitive data, avoid penalties, and maintain customer trust.